5 Evidence-Based Tips On How To Suppress Appetite

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Choosing Foods to Keep Yourself Full

When it comes to curbing hunger, it’s not just about how much you eat, but also about what you eat. We recommend eating more protein to suppress hunger, as having protein can help you to feel fuller for longer, generating fewer hunger hormones as you approach your next meal. Furthermore, you can also opt for fiber-rich foods to complement your protein, such as beans, peas, and chickpeas. Foods high in fiber content are great for slowing your digestion, filling your stomach up, and helping you to suppress your appetite.

Drinking Water Before Every Meal

Many people would attest to drinking water as one of the most important ways to beat hunger pangs, this being one of the most well-known tips to suppress appetite out there. Some studies have found that thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger, leading to your appetite acting up without an actual need for food. We recommend drinking water before your meal or starting your meal with a broth-based soup, which can lower your hunger levels as you eat, and result in you eating smaller portions in a meal.

Exercising Regularly

Exercising comes with a wide range of health benefits, especially if you’re trying to lose weight or manage a health condition. On top of the various benefits that exercise comes with, it also works as a natural appetite suppressant, as it lowers your hunger hormone levels, making you feel less hungry less often. Furthermore, this effect is equally applicable to both aerobic and resistance exercises. Many people exercise right before a meal, taking advantage of the higher levels of fullness hormones the body generates after exercising.

Switching to Dark Chocolate

If you’re frequently snacking on milk chocolate and white chocolate, consider switching to dark chocolate to keep your appetite satiated. Compared to other chocolate types, dark chocolate has been shown to suppress appetite far better than its other counterparts, keeping your stomach satisfied for longer.

Practicing Mindful Eating

Keeping your appetite at bay is more than just managing your stomach, it’s about managing your brain. For example, rather than watching TV or engaging in another activity during mealtimes, paying full attention to your meal and the food you’re eating helps you to feel fuller faster, lowering your food intake overall. Practicing mindful eating is especially helpful if you find yourself with the bad habit of overeating.

Looking for a faster, more fun way to suppress your appetite and reduce your cravings? Look no further than our UnCrave Satiety Gum, which works as an effective appetite suppressant!


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