Risk Free Guarantee

Our Hassle-Free Returns Policy

Order with Confidence – Our 60-Day Money Back Guarantee Ensures Your Satisfaction!

We want you to have peace of mind when you choose UnCrave products. We proudly stand behind our science-backed formula, and your purchase from us is completely risk-free with our 60-day money back guarantee.

What Sets Us Apart:

  •        Results Guarantee: If our product doesn't meet your expectations, return any used or unused item(s) in the original packaging within 60 days for a full refund. No questions asked.

  •        Hassle-Free Promise: Our guarantee comes with no fine print or misleading terms – if you don't love it, we'll refund your money.

 How It Works:

  •      Contact our Customer Service Team: Reach out with proof of purchase within 60 days after receiving your purchase at 1-888-562-2690 or email: support@uncravegum.com to request a refund and receive return instructions.  

  •        Swift Processing: Within 5 business days of receiving your return, we'll inspect the shipment and apply credit to your original payment method.

 Why Wait? Order Now!