Can You Chew Gum While Fasting? 4 Facts To Know
Brian Jeffries Brian Jeffries

Can You Chew Gum While Fasting? 4 Facts To Know

As we are in the middle of a global obesity epidemic, more than 40% of adults worldwide are on a weight loss journey. Intermittent fasting, also sometimes referred to as IF, is quickly becoming the favorite diet for anyone on a weight loss plan. If you’re a newcomer to the intermittent fasting bandwagon, you’re probably facing a ton of confusion as to how to execute this diet perfectly for optimal results. One common question experts get all the time is: Can you shew gum while fasting? Here is your answer.

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5 Evidence-Based Tips On How To Suppress Appetite
Brian Jeffries Brian Jeffries

5 Evidence-Based Tips On How To Suppress Appetite

Most of us are no strangers to hunger, especially some familiar signs such as a growling stomach or becoming unable to concentrate. While feeling hungry is a natural sign from your body that it’s time to have something to eat, it can become a hindrance when you’re constantly feeling hungry, even when you’ve just finished a meal. If you’re trying to lose weight, have a health condition that increases appetite, or are transitioning into a new meal routine, you’ll need a way to keep hunger at bay. Here’s how to suppress appetite, based on scientific evidence.

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The Science Behind Saffron Extract
Brian Jeffries Brian Jeffries

The Science Behind Saffron Extract

Saffron Extract is a natural substance obtained from the saffron plant. It contains bioactive compounds such as crocin, crocetin, and safranal, which are responsible for its therapeutic effects. These compounds have been studied for their ability to modulate various physiological processes in the body, including appetite regulation, metabolic function, and mood enhancement.

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Is It Time To Add a Hunger Suppressant Into Your Weight-Loss Plan?
Brian Jeffries Brian Jeffries

Is It Time To Add a Hunger Suppressant Into Your Weight-Loss Plan?

Many people, unfortunately, find themselves hitting a wall midway through their weight loss journey. If you’ve hit a plateau, it may be time for you to consider adding a hunger suppressant to your weight loss plan. If your healthcare provider is guiding you through your weight loss journey, you may or may not be prescribed an appetite suppressant, depending on other health-related factors.

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